Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 23 VLCD (First Round)

Amie Starting Weight: 180.2
Yesterday: 166.0
Today: 165.0
1 lb. Released Overnight
15.2 lb. Released Since Start of VLCD 10/09/2007
Average Weight Release Per Day: 0.66 lb.

Eddie Starting Weight: 248.8
Yesterday: 226.2
Today: 225.6
0.6 lb. Released Overnight
23.2 lb. Released Since Start of VLCD 10/09/07
Average Weight Release Per Day: 1 lb.

For Pete's sake. This day was so rough on the VLCD... First we had a late Boss' Day lunch for the doctor.... at Uccello's. I had a grilled chicken caesar salad with NO dressing and a breadstick.
Snack: 1 orange
Dinner was 100g 96/4 ground beef with minced garlic and Herbamare.
Snack: *cough* Ummm.... Wheew, let's see... 1 bag of popcorn, 8 whoppers, 1/2 bite-size Milky-Way, 1 piece of Super Bubble gum, and 2 Mary Janes.

Eddie cheated too.

So there.


Anyways, Eddie had chicken and cabbage for lunch, ground beef and onion for dinner... and just as much candy as me. *sniff*

Ah, well. We'll see how rough Halloween is on our release. I'm really hoping that my body will just ... ignore the sugar rush ... and release another pound+ :D

Let's see how that goes. I feel guilty, like I'm letting everyone down by deviating like this. I'm sorry guys!! I'll be better from now on... No holidays, work trips, no visiting relatives... Things should smooth out between now and P3.

Nighty night!


BizBuzz said...

Look sweetie, it takes a big person (and I don't mean big as in weight) to tell the whole truth, even if it's ugly. Your not letting us down, geesh, who are we but just letters on the screen, you don't have to answer to us. You answer only to yourself.

We have to "own" our choices. Own it darlin'. Figure out why it happened. I wrote something this morning about this protocol being a mix of physical and mental. I am positive that Dr S mixed those two findings to come up with the plan he did.

Sometimes I feel we sabotage ourselves because we are afraid of being successful. What will being successful on this protocol bring to us? Sometimes that picture is scary and then we allow ourselves to prohibit that success.

Think about it Amie, you have come so far in so short a time. 15 pounds is nothing to sneeze at in 3 weeks.

I hope you get what I am trying to say. Thanks for sharing, keep doing it, it's an eye opening experience for us all.

Anonymous said...

Grrrl, I think I got you beat in the chocolate department -- I was 'exploring my addiction' quite liberally yesterday :) Ah well, climb back up on the horse and ride on! In the big picture it's just a little speck. I'll probably work up the courage to post my transgressions on my blob -- I mean blog, he he -- later, and you can commiserate with me! Most impotant thing -- did you enjoy it? If you're gonna cheat, I say savor it.

beachbrights said...

Now what does my masochist(sp?)personalisty say about me, when on the perfect "cheat" night with all that candy, I eat 238 calories. I am the one who needs help!!

Way to go on the one pound. Hopefully the candy will be ignored. I'm off to read about Lili...Love you Both!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amie-
Your blog cracks me up! You remind me of me...scary thought LOL! My hubby (who is also named Eddie but goes by Ed) and I did this protocol together and we are now on Phase 3 and lovin' it! Actually the hardest thing for us on P2 was not being able to drink a beer! You are awesome thanks for your honesty, don't feel bad we cheated too (unlike perfect Biz and Renee)! We are getting geared up for round 2 starting in 3 weeks. Thanks for the blog!

*** LED Sign of the Times *** said...

Sorry, the anonymous comment was from me....Jennifer! I forgot my google sign in info!

Amy's Blog said...

Congratulations on your 1 lb. That was hard dealing with the lunch event... a situation you can't walk away from. You sure won the battles for most of the day!

But also, congratulations for stopping the candy & not eating 25 more of those. :0) You will be back to eating on plan & losing after this! Stay strong!

Lisa Larson said...

I think the amazing thing about this protocol is that it really helps us see what our emotional issues are around food. Everyone always asks, "Is it hard?". It's not really about the hunger, Dr. Simeon's has that part right, but it's those moments when we use food for some other purpose. Doing this protocol has really helped me with seeing that. So much of our culture is centered around food. I think your guy's experience just helps you see what are those triggers that got you to where you don't want to be. It's not about beating yourself up, but learning from the experience, deciding what you want to do different next time, and then choosing that instead. I know for me, I have to plan ahead -- really think through those social situations. (I take my apple with me usually. That's been helpful.) Hope this is helpful. Still a great loss!

BizBuzz said...

You doin' ok sweetie???